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  1. My mate plugged it in and brought up a few faults but he said it could be turbo intercooler fuel pressure regulator things like that but there is no loss of power or anything it's a weird one
  2. I have brought my first Audi last month it's an Audi A4 avant 2010 plate 2.0 ltr diesel just done over 173k it's had water pump done timing belt done duel mass clutch slave at stand still the car just revs by itself the whole car shakes like it's wanting to stall I've changed the air mass sensor last week to see it that would help but still doing the same it's really annoying people at lights think I want to race them I don't want to start chucking money at it if it could be something simple it's had a smoke test no cracked or bust pipes please can someone help me many thanks in advance I've posted a 10sec vid on what it does 52680342644__B9F1B56D-CD90-4370-8E1A-AA1909316C8A.MOV
  3. Thanks dan3222 il do that now
  4. Hi all I'm a new owner of an Audi A4 avant 2.0ltr 2010 plate but feel I brought a bad one here on every time the car is stationary it revs and like it's wanting to cut out I've changed air mass sensor as heard it could be that Ive had a smoke test and no pipes blowed really struggling to figure this problem out I have to over rev it to get it moving otherwise it will stall I don't want to be spending loads of money if it's something simple to fix please can anyone help me??????
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