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    A6 Ultra SE Auto
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  1. I'll give that a go on my way to work tomorrow. The reason I was expecting a search function of some sort was that a friend has a Toyota Auris and can search by artist, are possibly other criteria.
  2. Hi, couple of questions about the A6. 1) What are the recommended tyre pressures for 225-55 tyres on an A6 saloon Ultra? The label has been removed from the car are the figures on various web sites vary quite a lot. 2) Is there any sort of search function for the SD card reader within the MMI module? I have about 300 albums in mp3 format on a 32G card and a lot of scrolling is required to locate the one I want.
  3. Greetings boys and girls. Got my first Audi a few weeks ago: A6 Ultra SE Auto, 187 bhp, black. Struggled to choose between a 520, XF (I owner an S-type previously) and the A6 but eventually settled for the Audi and I'm delighted with it. Not quite as quiet as my old S-type but much quieter and more refined (if slower) than the Merc C250 I had before. Had a drive to Holland last week (1050 miles round trip) and it returned 55 mpg according to the computer, but closer to 52 in real life. That was at the limit which might sound boring but UK motorways are covered in roadworks and speed cameras. Will post some requests for help in the A6 forum.
  4. Ooh, first post and I can answer a question!! The Ad-blue warning on my A6 came on a few weeks ago and it estimated I had 1500 miles still to go, so you get plenty of chance to fill up. Most motor spares shop sell it in 10 litre containers which come with a filler tube. Some filling stations have it on pump but these are still quite rare. I think all A6 diesels have the filler next to the fuel filler but some manufacturers hide them away in the boot or engine bay meaning it's a pain to fill. The Audi is easy. Audi claim the system won't recognise a top up of below 4 or 5 litres so you might as well shove 10 litres in and forget about it. It might take a couple of minutes to recognise it's been filled so don't worry if the warning stays on for a short period. And don't mix it with the fuel whatever you do!!
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