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    B7 Cabriolet A4
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  1. I actually fell out with the A4 and chopped it for another TT roadster the MKII version this time !. Satnav ejects okay, reversing beepers work but the heated seats don't work !! I love a challenge, I've metered the seats and looks like the wiring makes a circuit so it could be the power to the seats as the 25 amp fuse is okay it could be somewhere else. I wonder if they have heating controllers on these seats like the Volvo's ?? if so the issue may be there, just odd that its both seats on all three heat settings though. They did work for a while when we bought the car as driving home they were fine then the next day nothing !
  2. I'm spitting feathers over this as it seems the dealers do this to stop folk pinching the ROM disks but should unlock them before delivery, apparently thats why the previous owner never upgraded the disk !. I suppose I have to fork out for Audi to do the job and suck it up.
  3. Yup I had already listened to the sensors and found 3 duffers, do you know where the main unit they run back to is located as I don't fancy ripping the entire boot liner out only to find its up front somewhere !
  4. Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum / website as I've only just got an A4 cab, I had a 2000 TT quattro before so this is a bit like driving a bus especially as its an auto !. Lots of little faults but working my way through them bit by bit. I thought I would upgrade the Satnav so I bought a new disc, tried to eject the old disc but nothing happens, no whirring or anything which is odd. I've ordered a set of four keys to remove the whole unit hoping there is a manual eject somewhere on the body of the unit. If anyone has a clue how to eject the ROM disc when the eject button fails to work I would be really pleased to know !. Once I've cracked that its onto the non beeping reversing sensors. The car just makes one long beep when going into reverse which I know is a bad sign, I listened to the sensors and only one is clicking so I guess its either three duff sensors or a duff unit, who's location I have yet to track down. I believe I will have to remove the complete bumper / boot liner to get at them so thats a job for a full weekend, annoyingly I know I will have to do the job twice, once to spot the issue and once when replacing the sensors / unit ...but I bought the car with these faults at a good price knowing they can all be fixed !. I've yet to find out if its a factory fitted sensor system, suspect if may be after market. Anyway do drop me a line back and say hello to me stuck up here in the frozen north ...well Halifax anyway !
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