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    A6 Black Edition
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  1. Thanks for you’re reply! Thale shake to shuffle setting I turned off ages ago as it was a nightmare lol, so it’s not that. I do think there is an issue with the Bluetooth module itself as I experienced similar issues when I paired my mates Samsung s7 phone with the car. If you cover you’re phone or put it in you’re pocket the car can’t find the device, it’s been very frustrating. Cheers.
  2. Thanks for you’re reply! You’re point on the compatibility is a very valid one, the iOS is the most recent one but the AMI might need a software update but I’m not sure how I’d go about this and if it would be costly via Audi. Im not sure about the playback set to preview? I’ve not come across this? Thanks again.
  3. Any ideas anyone?
  4. Hi all, Had my 63 plate a6 for about 4 months now. When I first got it, Bluetooth calling and music streaming was fine with no issues. But now it seems like it struggles to connect to the phone, and when it does it seems to cut in and out as if something is affecting the reception. If I sit my phone in the little storage compartment under the heating controls it works fine. But when I put it in the armrest it struggles to pick it up. I have reset Bluetooth settings and deleted the car from my phones devices, any ideas or suggestions? Another fault is when I connect my phone via the lightening to mmi interface cable (iPhone 6) is that it more often than not begins to cycle rapidly through my entire song catalogue on my phone, playing a second of each song before skipping to the next. Again any help on this would be much appreciated 😊.
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