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    Gainsborough Lincolnshire
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    A7 Sline Black Optics
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  1. Hi Chet, Apologies for opening an old subject... Can I ask, did you manage to code your mirrors? I am trying the same retrofit and looking at your door module hardware and software codes they are exactly the same as mine. And I need to recode with the help of a local VCDS bod/company. Any feedback back you can offer would be much appreciated. Thanks, Steve
  2. I would have said If you can demonstrate to the authority that you can select the RHD option on the MMI and pass the Spanish equivalent of an MOT you should be perfectly legal.
  3. Hi Tony, Thanks for your recommendation, will they fit parts that that aren't bought through them do you know?
  4. Thanks for your reply Steve, I was looking for someone reasonably close to me hopefully.
  5. Hi everyone, I'm sure this topic has done the rounds before and probably many times, but thanks in advance for any help you can offer... I'm looking to retrofit powerfold mirrors to my 2014 A7, I have the parts and was going to do this myself until I saw the issue of getting to the three fitting studs at the Base of the mirror! So I'm now looking to pay someone to do this for me... can anyone help please? I'm located at postcode DN21 (Gainsborough). Thanks Steve
  6. Hello Everyone, I am desperately looking for some help with the following please... I bought a set of semi dynamic modules for my 2014 A7 for only £24.00, so I thought I'd give them a go (I know that they are not to everyone's liking!)... they are good quality, the problem is they have the wrong type connectors (US, not EU spec), I have tried to source the correct connectors and I can get the EU 6 pin plug, but not the EU socket... as these are generally PCB mounted, ie, to the back of a switch for example. I cannot find an in line socket anywhere... To be clear I am talking about the outer parts of the rear light clusters only... The EU spec connectors are BLACK and 6 pin and square in shape, the US spec connectors are 12 pin RED and rectangular in shape. So my other option is to modify what I have, which means breaking into the indicator wiring for the outer part of the light cluster and connecting the 2 wires from the module... therefore I think I need to know the GND and 12v supply for the indicator part of the lamp. So can anyone help me out with the wiring detail? I have a useless piece of kit if not 😞 Thanks, Steve
  7. Hello All, Bought my A7 SLINE (245) a month ago after ditching the company car, and I must say I am pleased now I have got to grips with the width of the thing!!! Anyway, I have a few mods in mind and one of these is a REVO remap, which I booked in for last Friday morning at LVS Lincoln. But after a diagnostic of the car REVO could not remap the car because it needs an Audi software upgrade... I was obviously dissapointed, but also greatfull that REVO flagged this, so I need an update first... Anyone have any experience with this?
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