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  1. I'm after a proper induction kit for the 3.0 TDI quattro, either a full kit by a performance manufacturer or if someone has done a homemade job with some silicone pipe, filter and jubilee clips etc, I'd love to hear from you and how you did it. Or if you found that one for the 3.0, 3.2 or 4.2 petrols worked just as well. A search online has revealed nothing for me sadly, no support for the diesels, only some petrols. I know diesels don't rely on air as much as the petrols, maybe this is why I'm struggling to find one that fits. If nothing comes of this and no one can help, I'm tempted to have a go at making one myself and will post some 'how to' pics below. Thanks in advance! Josh
  2. Hi everyone, I wanted to ask what kind of adapter I need for my Audi when changing from Audi consert din1 with an original subwoofer in rhe back when changing to an other radio
  3. Boa tarde , o meu nome é Miguel e tenho uma Audi A4 B5 1.9tdi 115cv e o carro foi recentemente comprado em segunda mão. Porém eu estava a 140km/h na auto estrada a ver o quanto ela puxava sem abusar , e entrou imediatamente em safe mode após atingir os 140km/h , encostei logo , continuou a trabalhar mas desliguei por receio e precaução , vindo a descobrir que tinha o tubo da vareta do óleo partido , justificando assim a perda de óleo que tive no caminho , tentei ligar novamente o carro mas já não pegou , sabia que tinha problemas de bateria ( não era problema de alternador ) porque era fraca (640mah) .Troquei em casa o filtro de combustível, filtro de óleo , tubo da vareta de óleo nova , óleo reposto a nível e troca de velas de incandescência, das quais já mostravam sintomas de desgaste . Após essas trocas tentei ligar o carro com a bateria de uma vw passat 1.9 tdi ( 720mah) mas o carro continuou a rodar o motor mas não arranca .Alguém sabe se pode ser falta de uma bateria de 800mah ou será questão de relés ? Desde já um muito obrigado
  4. Hi folks, Had my a4 2 years and I've always had 245 width tyres on the car and though they look great and give the boring estate a meaner look they're also more expensive. I do mostly dual-carriageways and long sweeping B roads, so demands for better performance and hard breaking isn't as important as longevity and cost. 245/40 18 is what I have now, so could i stick 225/40 on the car or is it necessary to go up on the profile? Conflicting information on the internet with some claiming it's fine and others saying increasing profile is a must. I have no clue what the J factor is of my alloys (8j maybe), all I know is they're twin 5 spokes, picture for reference. Thinking of cross climates, lots of miles per year in every weather condition.
  5. Hey guys I recently had the dreaded oil pressure light come on at a stop light when engine was up to temp, I checked the oil level in the MMI and it said it was full, every time the light came on (low oil pressure) I would check the display and it was all okay. I had my OBD2 scanner plugged in and no codes, I checked throughout the day and no change, the next day it was reoccurring at every stop/ idle, I checked the oil level and it said low, the light came off and I checked again on the display and it was back to full, a few hours later there was no information about the oil, then it showed full only once again and then it hasn’t anymore to the date, I suspected a faulty oil pressure sensor so I went ahead and replaced it with a Duralast (brown) and it was still happening, I checked the sensor and it seemed like it was faulty and it was leaking as well, replaced it with a new one and it did the trick for about 45 minutes, I got a quart of oil in it and no lights on for about the same time but it came back on, although not as intermittent as before on every stop/ idle, it’s now doing it like every 2-3 stop/idles. I am now going to replace the blue sensor and hope for the best then tackle the oil level sensor below the oil pan, any ideas? PS:Oil was serviced beforehand and about the next day it started, also I did notice that the original pressure switch I replaced had two silver squares in it with a pin in the middle and a dot outside the housing, the new switch I got at AutoZone did not have the two squares in it (see photos for reference) it did had positive reviews including from someone the same year model as mine with no issues. I also reset the hood latch to make sure it wasn’t that.
  6. Hi Team Please could suggest what is the best, simplest, cheapest way to enable Sav nav in Audi A3 2014. I don't want to buy another set nav for GPS. I am fine if it's get connected to my Android phone for GPS. Whenever I connect my phone for music it gets connected but I don't hear ever Google maps navigation from the speaker, It goes blank. Not sure what is the issue. Any suggestions.
  7. Hi all, Looking for some advice with my Audi A3 - Around 2 years ago I had issues around once a month where the car would be spluttering in gear (often 4th) causing me to engage the clutch or drop a gear, as it felt like the engine was labouring despite the revs being around 2k. Another side effect of this was the engine knocking or clunking abruptly when turning the engine off. I had a new throttle body fitted and all had been well and the clunking had stopped until recently. Current status is the car on startup is starting but the revs drop really low and the car splutters and physically jolts. Equally when shutting the engine off I’m now back to having an audible and abrupt clunk. The issues on startup and shut off are not happening every time which is causing confusion I’d say it happens 7/10 startups. Any thoughts on what could be causing this? I have no lights on the dash and the car seems to drive ok once the revs have settled after a couple of minutes. The engine is a 2.0tdi with 111k on the clock appreciate any feedback, BP
  8. Hi everyone, I own Audi Q8 2018 and have an issue with air coming in the front of the vehicle when AC is on. As soon as i stopped the A/C the air starts coming from the front too. The A/C is working fine but the air is blowing only from the rear. Has anyone experienced this ? Thanks
  9. Bilal S3

    Audi S3 8P and 8L

    2009 Audi S3 8P 2000 Audi S3 8L
  10. Bilal S3

    S3 8P and 8L

    2009 Audi S3 8P 2000 Audi S3 8L
  11. Guys I’m very new to this. My first ever German car. I recently bought it from a local car mart here in Jamaica. The car was imported from Japan but during shipping it had some scratches that I need to fix and my spray shop has no clue what the color is. I’ll attach below the car color and the paint code sticker that I found in the boot and the manual
  12. I have an Audi A4 B9 2016 2l diesel and was filling up yesterday and noticed that there was a hole within the housing of the fuel tank next to the drain hole. It has been raining quite a bit recently. I wanted to know what could have caused this? Is it dangerous and how would it be fixed? I have attached pictures If someone could please help would be much appreciated. Thanks
  13. Saying goodbye to this classic car as we have not been using it much. This car is ideal for someone who would continue taking care it and improve it as it still has many years to serve a car lover. It's family owned, passed down from father to son. It's a 30-year old beauty, mainly driven by father and brother around London, hence low mileage and 3 owners (including us). The car was bought new by father. Service history is partial as he was bad at keeping documents! The car has a modern radio (no original radio). It has marks on bodywork, but mechanically it's been checked and has had work done. It drives and starts fine. The interior is fabric and needs a clean. Engine size 2309cc. It's convertible, but the roof is put down manually. The roof is in good condition, although reproofing is needed and a small tear needs to be patched. Car reg K2LGW. Currently has a valid MOT. Located in Earlsfield, London. Open to offers. Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have further questions on 07475091685! 🙂
  14. Hi all, I’m new to the forum. I would appreciate your help. I’ve just bought an A4 Avant 40TFSI. It’s a 2019 model, bought used from the local Audi dealer. As most of you know, newer Audis don’t come with a spare wheel (not even a space saver one). The only thing supplied is an inflatable kit which is pretty much useless and it also ruins the tyre if used, which means you have to purchase a new tyre every time you have a puncture. I have asked the dealer if I can order a space-saver tyre. He made some enquiries and the response was: “AUDI are not sure if it’s possible and also if it will even fit, as modifications might be needed. If you have a puncture, call breakdown service!”. Not sure what to think of that… Apparently the reason AUDI have removed the spare tyre is to reduce emissions… I drive a lot for work and it wold be very inconvenient to call breakdown service and wait to be towed to the nearest garage just to repair a puncture. I’d like to be able to put the spare tyre on and carry on with my journey. The tyres are 245/40/R19 (19 inch alloys). I had a look online and it seems that the Hankook T125/70/R19 space saver tyre is the one suited for this size. The only problem is that the boot space is very tight. There is potentially some room if I remove the pump box (which I will happily do if I can fit the spare tyre there), but the rectangular battery might be a problem, as it seems to obstruct the round shape of the tyre. Also, the battery cables run through the grooves and are not easy to move / bend. I took a photo to give you an idea of the space. Before I go ahead and purchase a tyre I wanted to ask if anyone had the same problem and if you have found a solution, i.e if it’s possible to fit a space saver tyre over the battery (and if so, are there any mods or extra components required ). Any help would be much appreciated. Many thanks, Steve
  15. I bought myself 2003 Audi A3 8P a few months ago, and since then, my ESP light on the cluster has been staying a bit illuminated. Anyone know what the issue might be? Can it be a blown bulb?
  16. Hi all thought I'd start a thread for funny picture's (Audi related or not) Post some funny stuff here! "Did someone say Audi?"
  17. Hi, I have a 2014 Audi A5. My auxiliary (Secondary) Water Pump is on it's way out and needs replacing. Does anyone have any idea where the pump is actually located at all please? A decent diagram or even better a picture would help me loads Thanks Ant
  18. Hi Everyone, Recently upgraded my Audi Q2 Edition 1 to a Q3 Sportback Black Edition. I have stuck the Audi Q2 All Weather Rubber Mats on eBay and they end this weekend if anyone is interested. Great condition, so grab yourself a bargain! It’s for the front and rear and usually £108 RRP for all 4. Couple of pictures attached and eBay link below. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/256069280094?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Xd_FRNQDQCq&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=Xd_FRNQDQCq&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Cheers, Dan
  19. Hi Hope someone has some ideas and can help me with the below please? Audi A6 avant c7 v6 3L TDI I have noticed a black splatter around the coolant reservoir and top engine cover. Upon further inspection noticed a black mass of more of the same around where exhaust is coming out of the engine. It is totally solid/hard. What is that? Engine runs ok apart from very rare juddering on cold start and some coolant disappearing overtime. (Like 200mil over a month or two) No leaks of any sort noticed This black hard mass looks worrying 😞 No loss of power, no overheating, coolant reservoir nice and clean, oil cap clean, no bad smoke coming out of exhaust- none of the worrying bits if you know what I mean? Any help would be much appreciated. See pictures attached.
  20. Hi All, I hope you can all help! About 5 months ago someone has stolen all my Audi A1 wheel centre caps! I have ordered some off ebay but they are the wrong size so i dont really want to order online again! I have contacted Audi direct, however they are charging £160 for all four. I dont really want to spend this much just in case it happens again. Can anyone advise me if they know anywhere that do them or any advise for me! I have attached the picture of what the wheel caps look like. Thanks in advance!
  21. Used condition still work perfect looking for £100 for the set
  22. Hi, I’m having a few issues with my Audi A5. Firstly, anytime I start the car on a cold engine the car shakes for a few minutes 2-3 mins due to excess air build up. This is the error codes I get: P2187 - lean fuel mixture at an idle in either Bank 1 P2279 - intake air system leak I tried using fuel injector cleaners and the engine light still keeps coming back with these two codes. Anytime I reset the codes and start the engine the engine excessively shakes for around 3 minutes until I rev the air out. I think that the P2279 code is due to some air leak and I am planning to run a smoke test through the engine to detect the leak, if no leak founds I saw somewhere that I should replace the sensor. I’ve also saw a video replacing the PCV valve diaphragm could fix the issue. My valve seems fine however I read somewhere that they may look ok but still be at fault. Therefore, I have ordered one and waiting for delivery (see attached photo). Apart from these two codes popping up and the engine light going off as well as the shakes when starting a cold engine the car runs perfect. Anyone had any similar issues or know what the problem could be here?
  23. Any one come across a problem with the heated seat on the super sports seat? The red light that indicates the heated seat is on flickers on for a second then completely turns off. If I try pressing the button again no lights will come on however if I turn the car off and back on then the button will flicker again. Element, relays?? Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers
  24. Hi Everyone, I own Audi Q8 2018 and it started making the following issue - when my fuel is around the middle it goes suddenly to the reserve then after some time it goes above the middle. Upon refilling the tank it works fine and then after some time it starts playing again. Any solutions ? What can it be? Thanks
  25. I have audi Q7. Love it. I want to know if this model has an inbuilt GPS tracker in it. Because i want to install one in it if it doesnt have. My son is driving it now. I am going to purchase one from https://www.paj-gps.com/ company. Seems like they have lot of good choices and easy to use trackers. What do you think?
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