Or am i going nuts? I have a 15 plate (uk) S4 Avant, black edition nav. I've been using the efficiency mode for boring motorway traffic, after all not much fun to be had so might as well save petrol for later. Or at least I think I have. I went to choose 'efficiency' and it's gone. It's no longer an option if you toggle through using the drive select button on the center console or if you get the graphic of the car up on the nav screen.
I got the car serviced and the dealer assures me it was never there in the first place and the S4 isn't shipped with it. I swear it was, perhaps I'm losing my mind! Would really appreciate it if any B8 S4 owners of the same year could tell me if they have efficiency mode as an option. Better still if you have a minute, a pic of the display on your nav screen showing it (and the gearstick so the dealer can see the S4 logo in the pic) would be great but no worries if not, I know you are all busy out there - in dynamic mode probably! Cheers ALISTAIR... sorry it's all in bold, can't seem to change that.