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  1. Hi everyone, just snagged an ex-demo 5k miles 2024 B9.5 A5 in Navarra blue (internal colour is black / black-black / black / black.....guess it's black then), and I have some questions about it. I have spent hours searching for answers to them, but most of the answers I can see are not for my model, refering to menu items that don't exist and the like. I should say that I am assuiming it is a B9.5, as it was registered in October 2024 First off, love the car - 2.0TDi quattro, with the tech pack, audio is excellent, very much on a par with the HK system in my previous car, a Cooper SD (I like diesels). The Mini was fun, but noisy and with a harsh ride mainly down to its run-flats. I'm old(ish) now, and i can live without the bumps and backache. The A5 is a different world - quiet, smooth, comfortable, spacious, luxurious. 43mpg so far, which is pretty good I think (although i've only covered about 200 miles), £600 road tax was a bit of a shock if i'm honest, but I am certainly going to enjoy it. Now to my questions Lane Assist - how do I make it stay off? The manual says 'it will return to a standard setting when you start the engine'. clearly that standard setting is 'on' in the UK, is there any way I can chagne that to off? Same question to the speed limit audio warning - that won't stay off either. some numpty had rotated a sign at the 40 / 60 boundary, and as i entered what I know to be a NSL, the car read the '40' sign and annoyed me until it got bored. I am quite happy to go buy a gadget and get my hands dirty if that is necessary. I'd also like it to apply the handbrake automatically if I press park, but as i've been trying to see which apps do what, they want me to buy it first, and send it back if i don't like it. That helps nobody, but I can understand why they do it. Oil. it is drinking it. myAudi told me to check the oil when I set it all up, and it was below minimum when I got it home from collecting it (90 miles or so). Sterm words were had with the dealer who tried to convince me that the pre-delivery check only reads 'OK' or Low', despite me sending a picure of the actual guage from MMI. I filled it up, using the litre the dealer had put in the boot, and it has already dropped from the very top to about 10% down the bar in the 100 miles since then. Seems nuts to me - I have only owned two cars myself, but my wife has had a few, and I had a dozen or more company cars. I can honestly say that i have never had to top up the oil in any of them. I have checked regularly, but never needed a topup in about half a million driven miles. Should I be expecting this, or should I be rejecting the car? It is 4 months old. a warning did come up at one point, bsaically saying 'you need to top it up, but you can keep driving' so i'm comfortable that i've nt damaged it. Battery - is that really the main battery, in the boot? I'm into my cars, not all cars, so this revelation may well have passed me by. Nowt wrong with it, just a bit surprised. Sales guy told me it was the mild hybrid L-Ion battery. Didn't have the heart to point out that it said Pb on it. I do not have the convenience key. Is keyless entry something I can switch on with the above-mentioned gadget at all? Research so far says not, no real clue though. I've never had it, so I'm not missing it. Should I be trying to the the iPhone Audi Connect app, or is it just myAudi for my car? The Phone Box. Honestly, it's a great idea, but my iPhone doesn't like it. The camera bump means it's not flat, it charged about 8% in the 2 hr drive home, and got very hot. This is my fix (it's all stuck down obvs) I plan to 3d-print some guides to sit in the box to make the handset sit in the correct place, but for now I just push it to the front left corner. Last but not least, the longest one, and the one that I have had the most confusion with due to conflicting information for different models and seemingly countries too. Wi-fi. I want the car to use my phone for all data when I am in the car and they are linked. Ideally, i'd like to connect it to my home wi-fi if possible too so when it is doing whatever it was doing to use 14.58MB at 02:17 this morning, it can do it for free. I use CarPlay for Waze and Spotify so the phone is already connected via wifi to MMI (well, I think that's how it works, honestly not sure, but however it is done, it does work). I have no SIM slot that I can find, nor does the manual suggest I have one. it *does* say though that 'depending on the country and the vehicle's equipment, an Internet connection can be established via the embedded SIM card (eSIM) of via your own mobile phone's SIM card using Wi-Fi'. How do I know if I have the correct equipment to do this? I'm in the UK, and I can see the list of equipment in the myAudi app, just not sure what to look for. There is no Wi-Fi menu in the MMI, something I have seen that I should be looking for. I have taken the 3GB free data from cubic telecom, but I have no idea what I get from it (used 250MB since the day I got it), or what I would lose by stopping it, or if anything started working after i signed up. The manual is written for non-technical users, but i need the 'why' as well as the 'what' to understand what is going on. Ideally, i'd like to connect it to my home wi-fi if possible too. A final thought. I am ecstatic that I have a paper manual. The Minis (I've had two) were annoying, as the manual was in the onboard platform only, and you can only read it when it's stationary, even if you have a passenger doing the work for you. Awesome to have paper again. My suggestion for VAG though is to provide each vehicle with a customised electronic manual just for my exact car as manufactured. They know what is in the bill of materials, and it would be trivial to build a user guide in the same way. That way, all of the the 'if your vehicle is equipped with blah-blah you can do this' issues go away, and if it's not in the book, you can't do it. Any help on any of the above questions would be most appreciated. Think i'm going to go for a drive now. TIA DM
  2. Hi all, I’ve just bought a B9 2020 Audi A4 S Line 40 TFSI MHEV S Tronic with 32,000 miles on the clock and got myself set up on the MyAudi app. I have also purchased the Audi Connect Remote & Control from the Functions Store. However, I can’t seem to use the features, mainly the option to heat up the car before I even get in. Is there something I’m missing or doing wrong? My door handle sensors also don’t seem to be working, I’m having to lock and unlock the car via the key fob. I’ve gone through settings but nothing clear on there and the sensor just doesn’t seem to work. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Also, any other tips and tricks I should know and recommendations for extra security? Many Thanks
  3. Adding this here but it is a general issue with the Audi app. Until recently within the app under Service topics I was able to see the Service plan and Additional work. The Service plan contains all work carried out on the vehicle to date. Additional work provides a list of time and mileage dependant tasks that need to be done like pollen filter, brake fluid, spark plugs and so on. This Additional work tab no longer works for me on multiple devices. I opened a ticket with Audi but getting nothing from them. Basic question here is does this still work for you guys? If not any clue what is going on here?
  4. Hi all - new member 1st time owner of an Audi. Was going to try and set up my Audi app. It was going well until it asked me for a 10 digit number on the key. Something about a scratch off bit? Bought from 3rd part dealer - no scratch off bit. Is there any where on the key I can find it (can see a few random numbers)? Also will this even work, there is also no SD card - I was told this from start and I just use Apple CarPlay. Any help would be great !
  5. Hi there, I have just received a Brand New Audi A3 Sportback and am loving it so far - I do have one niggle though, and hope it is something easily solved! I followed the setup and signed in using myAudi account and set myself up as a Key User etc. The only problem is on the app I get a 'Link vehicle' box saying that the 'Audi connect infotainment services are not yet linked to this vehicle. Please enter your myAudi address and your password in your vehicle's MMI.' As far as I am aware, I have done this when setting up, so I am not sure why I am not getting the options to remotely set the AC and remotely lock/unlock the Vehicle? It looks like I am linked to the vehicle as I can send destinations and get reads on whether it is locked/windows are open etc. Does anyone know how to link the infotainment services? I have tried factory resetting it, deleting and re-downloading the app to no avail.
  6. Guys very useful app is avaiable , register and enter your vin to find out what spec and extras your car has
  7. Since the upgrade to myAudi, I have been unable to "Send to car" a new journey. The Create a new journey page is different from the previous generation but shows a Start location and Destination which I fill in but can't see how to "Send to car" also why do I have to input Date and Mileage fields which are *Mandatory.
  8. So 3 weeks ago, after a couple of weeks of getting an error message after trying to retrieve my online destinations in nav, i called audi uk to be told they were trying to munge together all the audi services and that the server was down for maintenance as a result. They said was likely to be a couple more weeks(??!?!?) Called today and told the same but wih no estimated fix timescale. 1. Why is no-one else talking about it. 2. Am I the only one? 3. Why do i smell a huge pile of bull here. Just cant believe they would just shut the service off indefinately while they worked on it. Am I the only one? Why does a google search bring up nothing? All answers on a postcard please.... :-)
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