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  1. Hi everyone, just snagged an ex-demo 5k miles 2024 B9.5 A5 in Navarra blue (internal colour is black / black-black / black / black.....guess it's black then), and I have some questions about it. I have spent hours searching for answers to them, but most of the answers I can see are not for my model, refering to menu items that don't exist and the like. I should say that I am assuiming it is a B9.5, as it was registered in October 2024 First off, love the car - 2.0TDi quattro, with the tech pack, audio is excellent, very much on a par with the HK system in my previous car, a Cooper SD (I like diesels). The Mini was fun, but noisy and with a harsh ride mainly down to its run-flats. I'm old(ish) now, and i can live without the bumps and backache. The A5 is a different world - quiet, smooth, comfortable, spacious, luxurious. 43mpg so far, which is pretty good I think (although i've only covered about 200 miles), £600 road tax was a bit of a shock if i'm honest, but I am certainly going to enjoy it. Now to my questions Lane Assist - how do I make it stay off? The manual says 'it will return to a standard setting when you start the engine'. clearly that standard setting is 'on' in the UK, is there any way I can chagne that to off? Same question to the speed limit audio warning - that won't stay off either. some numpty had rotated a sign at the 40 / 60 boundary, and as i entered what I know to be a NSL, the car read the '40' sign and annoyed me until it got bored. I am quite happy to go buy a gadget and get my hands dirty if that is necessary. I'd also like it to apply the handbrake automatically if I press park, but as i've been trying to see which apps do what, they want me to buy it first, and send it back if i don't like it. That helps nobody, but I can understand why they do it. Oil. it is drinking it. myAudi told me to check the oil when I set it all up, and it was below minimum when I got it home from collecting it (90 miles or so). Sterm words were had with the dealer who tried to convince me that the pre-delivery check only reads 'OK' or Low', despite me sending a picure of the actual guage from MMI. I filled it up, using the litre the dealer had put in the boot, and it has already dropped from the very top to about 10% down the bar in the 100 miles since then. Seems nuts to me - I have only owned two cars myself, but my wife has had a few, and I had a dozen or more company cars. I can honestly say that i have never had to top up the oil in any of them. I have checked regularly, but never needed a topup in about half a million driven miles. Should I be expecting this, or should I be rejecting the car? It is 4 months old. a warning did come up at one point, bsaically saying 'you need to top it up, but you can keep driving' so i'm comfortable that i've nt damaged it. Battery - is that really the main battery, in the boot? I'm into my cars, not all cars, so this revelation may well have passed me by. Nowt wrong with it, just a bit surprised. Sales guy told me it was the mild hybrid L-Ion battery. Didn't have the heart to point out that it said Pb on it. I do not have the convenience key. Is keyless entry something I can switch on with the above-mentioned gadget at all? Research so far says not, no real clue though. I've never had it, so I'm not missing it. Should I be trying to the the iPhone Audi Connect app, or is it just myAudi for my car? The Phone Box. Honestly, it's a great idea, but my iPhone doesn't like it. The camera bump means it's not flat, it charged about 8% in the 2 hr drive home, and got very hot. This is my fix (it's all stuck down obvs) I plan to 3d-print some guides to sit in the box to make the handset sit in the correct place, but for now I just push it to the front left corner. Last but not least, the longest one, and the one that I have had the most confusion with due to conflicting information for different models and seemingly countries too. Wi-fi. I want the car to use my phone for all data when I am in the car and they are linked. Ideally, i'd like to connect it to my home wi-fi if possible too so when it is doing whatever it was doing to use 14.58MB at 02:17 this morning, it can do it for free. I use CarPlay for Waze and Spotify so the phone is already connected via wifi to MMI (well, I think that's how it works, honestly not sure, but however it is done, it does work). I have no SIM slot that I can find, nor does the manual suggest I have one. it *does* say though that 'depending on the country and the vehicle's equipment, an Internet connection can be established via the embedded SIM card (eSIM) of via your own mobile phone's SIM card using Wi-Fi'. How do I know if I have the correct equipment to do this? I'm in the UK, and I can see the list of equipment in the myAudi app, just not sure what to look for. There is no Wi-Fi menu in the MMI, something I have seen that I should be looking for. I have taken the 3GB free data from cubic telecom, but I have no idea what I get from it (used 250MB since the day I got it), or what I would lose by stopping it, or if anything started working after i signed up. The manual is written for non-technical users, but i need the 'why' as well as the 'what' to understand what is going on. Ideally, i'd like to connect it to my home wi-fi if possible too. A final thought. I am ecstatic that I have a paper manual. The Minis (I've had two) were annoying, as the manual was in the onboard platform only, and you can only read it when it's stationary, even if you have a passenger doing the work for you. Awesome to have paper again. My suggestion for VAG though is to provide each vehicle with a customised electronic manual just for my exact car as manufactured. They know what is in the bill of materials, and it would be trivial to build a user guide in the same way. That way, all of the the 'if your vehicle is equipped with blah-blah you can do this' issues go away, and if it's not in the book, you can't do it. Any help on any of the above questions would be most appreciated. Think i'm going to go for a drive now. TIA DM
  2. Hi all, I need urgent help, I had a crankcase pressure when I removed the oil cap, it pulled the oil cap, so the mechanic has asked me to change the PCV, job done but it still has the same pressure, so after he checked again advice to change the part number 06H103464L corresponds to an oil separator (oil trap crankcase breather), I have spent a lot of money but I am not sure there is 2nd oil separator responsible for this issue, part looks like this https://www.europaparts.com/oil-separator-06h103464l.html, the car has symptoms- need to top upthe oil, smoke is not normal, fuel consumption, oil in the intake manifold. thanks,
  3. Hi all I have oil dripping from the lower boost pipe on near side intercooler on my 2010 Q7 3.0tdi it seems to be coming from the intake manifold so I I’ve been hunting for a pcv valve with no joy dose the 3.0 TDI have a pcv valve if so can anyone point me in the right direction as to where it is thanks in advance Mal
  4. Recently purchased an A5 2.0tdi 2010 with the 2G MMI system. When I check the oil level even after following the instructions of warm up engine, open/close the bonnet, wait 2 mins. It still says ‘Please drain off oil’ and has done for a couple weeks. It still wouldn’t be overfilled and my brother who’s a jag mechanic said it shows no signs of being overfilled and it’s probably just slightly over and needs burning off but I’ve put on 1000 miles in 2 and a half weeks with no change. Is the oil sensor done in and does anyone know the cost of these?
  5. Hi there. I've a Audi A5 Quattro V6 , 2008. Could somebody advise me on that part number of a dipstick please. UK based. Many thanks
  6. after a long drive , i seem to have slight oil residue coming off the front bumper grille . Around the top right hand side area . i also have a boost leak i believe , so I'm thinking hole in the intercooler causing the oil residue maybe ?
  7. Afternoon all, I bought my 1st Audi in March 2021 and the dealer said they would service it for me. 1 year on and the oil change light is on. Is that normal? Also, how much should I reasonable expect an Audi dealer to charge for an oil change? Thanks
  8. Hello all, New member here! I’ve been looking for a while and found a 2010 Audi A5 2.0 TFSI Q in my budget with the exact specifications I want. 1 owner, excellent milage and great condition. Full Audi SH apart from the last service done by the dealer. I paid for an AA inspection which found an oil leak in the front engine (he said maybe it’s the front cam shaft sensor?). The dealer agreed to get this fixed before I buy the car. Looking at the service history, 30,000 miles ago it seems like Audi did a consumption test as a leak was cleaned and the owner was asked to return after 1000 miles. No other related issues or mentions appear in the history after that, it looks like the owner didn’t go back. So one assumes all was ok and there was no consumption problem? I’m just a little torn as to whether to purchase this car. I really don’t want to find that there is a consumption problem or other issues down the line. The only other things are: There’s only one key so I’d need to buy another. A few diagnostic fault codes came up, though I dont know what they mean. I’ve attached photos of them. All else is perfect and the dealer said he’d give me a year warranty rather than 3 months. Sorry for the long message. I’d really appreciate your opinions and advice please. Thanks in advance.
  9. Hey guys I just bought an Audi A4 Avant 1.8TFSI S line this Monday😁 I have a few problems and just wanted some advice from you guys so hopefully I can get some help if you don’t mind! When going onto Engine Oil Level the screen displays that the information isn’t available has anyone had this problem before I assume it maybe and oil sensor problem but I am uncertain? My Xenon headlight o/s says dipped headlight isn’t working and sometimes the light just appears on is this a loose connection and is there a link on fixing this? Lastly, when the engine is started it seems to move a lot that you can feel it stutter type thing in the cabin once it warms up it seems to go away? Any ideas on this?? Any advice would be great sorry for the questions Many thanks, Ryan C
  10. Just had my Q3 serviced. The documentation indicates that Castrol GTX 5w-30 has been used for the replacement engine oil. The service interval on my car is set for 'Audi Long Life Servicing'. Is GTX a suitable oil for this longer service period?
  11. Recently noticed a thick build up of yellow gunk under the oil cap of my audi a3 1.6 (2000) and it smells of petrol within the oil. The dip stick is clean and has no signs of mayo gunk. The car still starts up perfect with no signs of smoke and runs smooths with no over heating problems. Have a gut feeling it's head gasket but would appreciate anyone's help. Thanks.
  12. Hi 22/08/17 just noticed my coolient leave way below min and oil light recently went off. My mate suggested possible head gasket. I hope !Removed! not as I have had the car in and out of Audi the last two years (including 2017 like a yo yo). March 2017 Audi replaced my rocker cover gasket at a huge cost £500 +. I always keep my eye on temperature all normal, no milky oil on oil cap, no white smoke generally or idling (maybe sometimes when I floor it but not 100% sure white smoke?) Worse case scenario if it is head gasket how much can I expect to pay? Does anyone know a good independent in London or east London that can do an excellent job replaceing? I've topped up oil to capacity to make it 4 litre level (5w30 castrol edge) and added water to max level. I will watch and monitor car from now. Milage of vehicle around 104600.
  13. Hi, would like to know if I can use Shell helix ultra 5w-30 professional AG in my car?
  14. Hi all, I am looking to buy a Audi A5 2.0 tfsi soon. However I am aware of the oil consumption issues with these engines. My question is, what percentage are actually effected? Will I have a good chance of getting one that hasn’t got the oil issues? Or should I just walk away from it? the car has full service history, but has been recently done by a garage for the past few years and not Audi themselves. If it needs a rebuilt engine will Audi not pay out due to the service history? i am just looking peoples experiences with these engines to get an idea and if you had a rebuild can you please tell me what you had to provide them with? if they had the rebuild done will it be covered by Audi?
  15. Hi all, I just got my second handed A4 Avant 2008 2.0T Manual for 2 weeks from a local car dealer. Out of sudden, the car told me that I need to fill the oil. Now I am asking, is it possible to ask the car dealer to fill the oil for me, concerning the very short period I bought the car from them. If not, can you recommend any types of oil? And is it safe for the engine to be working with the mixed new oil with those oil which were already there? Cheers for any information.
  16. Alright guys, Hope someone on here can help me with this problem I’ve been trying to solve as I’m really stuck. So when it was snowing a few weeks back unfortunately I hit a mound of snow and it disconnected the oil level sensor plug…. Which was then dragged along the ground for about 20 miles before I had chance to look underneath properly. Immediately after the plug was cracked but we managed to reconnect it and the warning light went out, but a couple days later it managed to fall out and completely destroyed itself. I’ve so far bought another 3 pin Bosch plug from simtek and replaced it but this hasn’t rid the car of the warning light. The engine is: 2.0 TDI BKD The oil level sensor part number is: 6pr008079-003 - What is the colour correct colour wires for each pin? - Does this type of issue need you to have the bonnet close while you reconnect the plug? - Does anyone know the part number for the loom that connects to the oil level sensor as I suspect the wires might be damaged for being snagged around under the car To make matters worse, when I first managed to get the car on the ramp for inspection the picture I took focused on my glove and I cannot distinguish which way I’m holding it Any help would be appreciated! Thanks
  17. Just bought Coupe but have no owner manual. On turning on ignition large warning light at top of cluster displays what look like a yellow light bulb then changes to red oil can. Oil is topped up as far as I can see but not sure what this is indicating with manual. Any info would be appreciated.
  18. Dear Audi uk I have written and spoken to you many times re the vehicle Audi A4 2.0T TFSI. An ongoing constant issues I have mentioned to Audi uk in the past is the several engine oil level low warning lights, between Audi services. I have owned the vehicle since August 2015 I have had two Audi Services one major and one minor so far. The issue is between services the engine oil level low warning lights come on maybe on average three separate occasions, through the twelve months and when I check the dip stick in fact the engine oil is at a low level. I have a rough idea this happens around every two-thousand miles driving overs the two years, which seems as excessive amount of oil leaving me mentally exhausted dealing and thinking about this issue constantly. You are aware from my files I have spent thousands of pounds with Audi uk franchises to keep this vehicle on the uk roads in its best condition even when the engine suffered catastrophic engine failure. I have seen online Audi have helped other owner(s) of the 2.0T TFSI vehicle, with the same issue I am having full curtsey of Audi footing the bill, such as a curtesy piston rings replacement and or other fixes for this issue unbeknown to me. I am aware my vehicle is outside the warranty period. My current vehicle mileage is 106719 I am unable to contribute any money to a repair as I am already in debt due to past Audi vehicle issues. I look forward to your response regards.
  19. Hi guys, I've damaged my oil filter cap by over tightening it.. Anyone know where to buy a new from? I can't find anywhere that does! Cheers
  20. Months ago I had oil too up due to a cracked oil collier. 16/08/17 oil light came on I checked under car no leaks or anything obvious to save something's wrong. I checked dip stick an In fact it's on minimum oil level. Current mileage 104514. I've emailed the Audi centre for dates and mileage 1) so I can see what I've done since last oil change and 2) to see if this is normal oil useage for a 2 litre tfsi?
  21. Hello, I seem to have oil leaking from below my alternator. I'd checked the belt a week or so ago so it's a recent development. My concern is it could lead to the belt slipping and/or coming off which is a real pain in the backside. I snapped a few photos, has anyone had a similar issue? Any advice on where this is coming from would be great, I can't see the source because whatever it is, is below the alternator. The underside is covered and because of the belt it's also sprayed about a bit. Thanks in advance.
  22. Hiya all. I'm a long time lurker as am looking to replace my BMW Z4 with something with four seats and a gigantic boot to do some motorway mile munching. A manual, 2010 Audi A6 looks perfect (those interiors are amazing) and potentially looking to buy a 2.0 TFSI A6 this weekend. However, the question I wanted to ask is if the A6 2.0 TFSI engines are similarly affected by the oil issue. I haven't seen any mention of this as the affected models seem to be A4,s A5s and Q5s but have never heard of an A6 being affected. Has anyone heard if 2010 A6 TFSIs are also affected and if not, why not? When I called Audi and my local dealer, they mentioned A6s were unaffected but I wanted to check on here, first. What do you know about this?
  23. Dear motoring world and all those concerned, my Audi problems. December 2014 I purchased car 1 privately a 2005 Audi A4 B7 2.0T s line tfsi on 92k miles, full Audi service history. I paid a reputable mechanic I’d used for eight years to change water pump, timing belt change and a full service. On date 6/5/15 car 1 while stuck in slow moving traffic in south London the car engine failed randomly with no warning on Mileage 95k, vehicle towed to mechanic. Mechanic informed me reason for failure Audi part known to commonly fail on my vehicle called the OIL CHAIN PUMP had failed resulting major total engine failure. 27/05/15 Contacted Audi uk customer service to invite Audi Bromley to view the vehicle located at mechanic’s. I was told someone would come. 28/05/15 Audi master technician (from Audi Bromley branch) viewed my vehicle at mechanics. No written report done by Audi, but confirmed verbally to Audi Bromley service manager Richard Balcomb the OIL CHAIN PUMP FAILURE. 01/06/15 Cased assigned to Audi uk case manager. 01/06/15 Audi case manager Ben O informed me repair may cost £4500. 08/06/15 Via phone spoke to Audi business manager Mathew Well’s. I explained the situation to him, which I was informed he would get back to me via email which he never did. 09/06/15 Audi case manager Ben O closed my case, stating “Audi legal department said, Audi cannot prove when oil chain pump failed, if the vehicle continued to be driven whilst warning light on, so cannot support cost of repair, we cannot apply good will discount because vehicle not bought from Audi” he also mentioned the repair would be uneconomical due to costing more then the vehicle £7000-£8000 new replacement engine cost. I asked for a contact address to use for a small claims court and was given ‘Audi auk, Brunswick court, Yeomes Drive, Blakelands, Milton Keyes, MK14 5LR. As a result I had to scrap the vehicle at a great loss to myself. Audi treated me poorly leaving me very upset. Moving onto 2015 Thinking car 1 was a one off. I did truly desire this specific vehicle model Audi A4 B7. I did my research re oil chain pump design changed in 2007 + and purchased car 2 also bought privately a 2007 Audi A4 B7 2.0T s line tfsi on 88k miles, full Audi service history. On mileage 94k guess what happened? While driving at around ten mph around the corner from my house. On date 30/03/16 I had another major engine failure re OIL CHAIN PUMP to my shock horror. I debated heavily with Audi uk for the car to be fixed by them for free but they refused and instead offered me an Audi executive £250 Audi voucher I was livid and furious. I could not even reply back as I was speechless given what had happened to car 1 and car 2 both suffering the same issue. This time I could not afford to scrap another Audi vehicle. I paid Audi Chingford around £2880 (with good will discount applied apparently) that cost hit me hard I literally had to take out a loan to pay for the repair as I could not afford to pay it (I am still in debt today due to the loan). I was a mess I paid it and decided enough was enough if Audi was not going to help me re OIL CHAIN PUMP failure id take them to court. On my extensive research I found that Audi did in fact know of this issue, also on many online forums this issued had happened to many other Audi owners. To my surprise no uk lawyer or uk group has sued Audi uk over this fault in their engines. I started court proceedings against Audi uk re the above. I requested from Audi uk Solicitors; 04/07/16 I request the following that re my case against Audi uk/vw that they have all knowledge of as I will need this information from Audi. All stats/information to include engines failures for Audi/vw 2.0 TFSI specifically years 2005 to 2007 reported up to present date of year 2016 to Audi preferably in hard copy paper form sent to my address; 1.Statistics for engine failures for all Audi uk/vw vehicles using 2.0 TFSI dated between 2005 to 2007. 2.Statistics for engine failures for all Audi uk/vw vehicles using 2.0 TFSI dated between 2005 to 2007 reference, oil chain pump failures. Including engine failures related and/or parts connected to oil chain pump such as a part called the follower that sits on top of chain on oil chain pump for example. 3.A break down of engine failures ofAudi uk/vw vehicles using 2.0 TFSI dated between 2005 to 2007 inside warranty period and outside that period. 4.Can I request what compensations were offered to owners engine failures of Audi uk/vw vehicles using 2.0 TFSI dated between 2005 to 2007. 5. Request a full report of why 2005 to 2007 Audi/vw 2.0 TFSI engines fail reference oil chain pump/related parts near to oil chain pump. Which they did not supply to me. I only got a small insignificant amount from them that in no way covered the thousands of pounds I lost ref the two Audi vehicles. 20/07/16 Eventually Audi uk lawyers settling out of court with me offering a small token amount towards the thousands I’d spent fixing car 2. I emailed all the Audi/vw directors I could find about my story and not one of them had the fortitude to email or contact me back. Moving onto 2016 Unfortunately the drama does not end. Car 2 had several oil warning lights go off. March 2016: full service Audi Chingford (no engine issues reported). APRIL 2016: Oil chain pump failure, resulting in engine rebuild at Audi garage (around 94000k). 23rd July 2016: check engine oil light on (97228k) 16th August 2016: Engine oil pressure too low warning light (97826k). 3rd December 2016: check engine oil light on (100187k). I complained and eventually brought car 2 back to Audi Chingford, they had the vehicle for several days for for me to be told ‘there’s nothing wrong with the vehicle and they cannot find anything wrong’ I was very surprised but I took their word for it, until I got one or more engine oil warning lights. I got straight on the phone to Audi uk where I was eventually told the oil usage for my vehicle was normal and I should expect to re oil my vehicle around every three months. I was confused as before the Oil chain pump failure it ran way more the three months with no oil warning lights. So I needed a second opinion. Moving on to 2017 I elected to find a next Audi. I found a service center called Audi Harold wood. I requested from them a service, front disc brakes change and most importantly to find the source of my engine oil warning lights. They came back to me confirming what I’d known all along, there was something physically wrong with it. With engine oil saturating the sump, but at that time they could not pin point exactly where the issue was. I was asked to drive the vehicle at least four-hundred miles then bring it back for further investigation. At this point I was impressed that they had confirmed a fault. I booked the vehicle in for March 2017. I received a call from a manager called John, John informed me or words to effect ‘They think the leak is around the OIL COOLER (I think he said), he said if Audi Chingford did not touch/move/replace it at all you would have to pay for the repair. He will find out from his master technician to give me a result. 20/03/17 I emailed all the Audi and Vw directors I could find again this time. I wanted to share my pain, frustration, feedback and unhappiness with Audi management etc….., re two different Audi A4 2.0T TFSI vehicles. 21/03/17 I received an email back from a Audi customer service rep informing me Cian O’Brien, Director of Audi UK has started an investigation re my issues. The end 22/03/17 Informed by Audi Harold Wood Manager, Rocker cover gasket £256, oil cooler £256, £87 labour and looking at another part mite need replacing possibly oil cooler hose, best will give me is 10% discount good will. I am majorly annoyed that coincidentally the oil chain pump fails Then soon after oil lights, oil leaks and then oil related parts are found to need replacing, madness! Yet more money to spent even for a now around ten year old vehicle it’s outrageous. 23/03/17 I spoke with an Audi uk customer service person Nicola B, who informed me after she looked at the history of my issues no help will be offered to me by Audi uk, suggesting I part exchange the vehicle. 27/03/17 I sent my experience to the government department VOSA re my, safety concerns for myself and other current Audi A4 TFSI owners. Evidenced by numerous internet forums where other Audi TFSI owners also suffered oil chain pump failure/failure cam follower on oil chain pump. I feel as a matter of a major safety concern re both vehicles if they failed while I was driving the vehicle(s). If they had failed at speed. I or other(s) could have suffered a fatality, inside vehicle re collision or other or outside vehicle(s) re a collision or other. I feel due to all……. the above car 1-2 the repair should be done for free or super good will discount with Audi footing the bill. Conclusion From my short three years experience with the Audi brand, Audi uk and Audi vehicles it’s been a financially painful journey (re car 1+2 spent close to £20,000 in totality), very stressful, probably putting me off ever owning an Audi vehicle. Even though I love the look of some of their vehicles. I felt let down by the vehicles for breaking not once but twice, Audi uk making me a £250 voucher offer to cover thousands of pounds of repairs and their generally poor handling of a situation that I’m unfortunately not the first person this has happened to. I suggest to anyone thinking of purchasing a Audi 2.0 Tfsi B7 model DON’T stay well clear of this Audi vehicle is my best advise. This will likely be my last ever Audi vehicle maybe. I shall take the little money I have left on the earth to go to another brand like Lexus etc……………...
  24. Hi Guys, So, I decided to put an aftermarket CAT BACK exhaust on my S3 8V and for 1000 miles it was amazing, truly amazing. Then suddenly, as I was about to embarrass a Vauxhall Corsa on the M1, my amazing S3 turned into a quivering wreck, EPC light on and power seemingly completely off along with the turbo. The sound of the car suddenly became very muffled and quiet. And the famously exquisite DSG !Removed!/ pop on upshift, well that sounded more like my nan plumping the cushions, flat, quiet and void of any substance. I took the car into Audi and they said "its because you put an aftermarket exhaust on it" as the fault codes read "EXHAUST BLOCKAGE", So then I took the car back to the exhaust place and had them replace it with the stock back box. And when I went back for the car the mechanic said, "There is a load of soot and grime in your exhaust right from the engine through to the back box", which was great news. And as a drove away with the car back to stock, the car STILL sounded quieter and did not pop but drove like usual. SOOOO.. I GO BACK TO AUDI, and they said "you have a cracked sump", they replaced that and cleared the fault codes...... 4 days later I pick my car up with no fault codes, a stock exhaust and a new sump and GUESS WHAT???????? The car still sounds RUBBISH. No one could explain the soot in the exhaust other than the Blaise service manager passing it off as "a natural process". I am furious as I have no answers and no clue what to do to make my car sound like it did before, popping and cracking like thunder. I can only think that it is because I drive to work everyday and it takes me 2 minutes, stop start. Am I knackering my engine by not giving it a chance to heat up? I drove it 100 miles yesterday in an attempt to clear out the soot but alas it has made NO difference. Please someone help me and tell me how I can resolve this issue! Thank you, James
  25. Here's my observations about my car I use as a daily driver to work. (bought august 2015 still learning about the car as have owned less then two years with various repairs done re engine namely bottom part of engine replaced due to oil chain pump failure) so not had a clear run yet: Around three months ago I gave my car to Audi chingford for a full service after getting it back shortly after (maybe four weeks) the oil light came on to my shock. I panicked as when I checked indeed it was on minimum oil level. I thought I mite have a leak. On further internet research I saw certain audis have an excessive oil usage problem. I contacted Audi uk (who later confirmed mines was not one of the known problem vehicles). I arranged to bring car back to Audi chingford who confirmed it was low and suggested due to new engine parts was probably the cause. They topped it up for me. I spoke to Audi uk who told me my car was within acceptable oil usage parimaters basically he said it was normal to top up every couple of months. Which baffled me a bit as my previous vihicle was a vw 1.8 turbo petrol owned eight years and I did one oil change a year but only drove on weekends for pleasure As of month 1st December 2016 the oil light came on. So I've worked out from what audis has said this will be the norm for my car. I've done 2345 miles or three months since last oil fill up. Conclusion this is what I'm to expect as the norm for this car. I don't know how I feel about that but at least I know where I stand now. (FYI I topped up with castrol edge 5w-30) I found this online: 'note that the Audi specification for the 2.0 engines allows for a litre of oil to be used every 1242 miles, and they will not consider this level of usage to be a fault. This is written in the manual if you look in the section on oil. However, many 2.0 TFSI owners routinely get only around 500-600 miles, which is definitely out of spec.' and I found this article below;https://www.audi.co.uk/about-audi/latest-news/audi-uk-bbc-watchdog-oil-consumption-june-2015.htmlAudi UK / BBC Watchdog / Oil Consumption – June 2015Jun 4, 2015Audi UK is committed to investigating and swiftly resolving any technical issues relating to our cars which are reported to us through our network.As we have stated previously, a low percentage of older 2.0 TFSI engines fitted to certain models have been exceeding the factory oil consumption tolerance of 0.5 litres per 1,000 kilometres (approx. 620 miles). Changes were made to the production tolerances of the pistons and rings in this engine from mid-2011 onwards, and customers with 2.0 TFSI cars produced after this date should not have any cause for concern.The comprehensive Audi UK Warranty (3 years/60,000 miles) covering all new Audi vehicles has already resolved the majority of these cases at no cost to the customer. For remaining affected customers with cars that are no longer covered by this warranty, we have a policy in place to resolve issues on a case-by-case basis. This revised policy has been in force nationally since the beginning of the year and applies to new and retrospective cases. Qualification criteria are applied in each individual case to confirm that the vehicle has been serviced in accordance with the owner’s handbook by an Audi Centre or other professional workshop which follows the Audi Service quality standards.We invite all Audi customers who have any questions or concerns relating to newly discovered or previously reported oil consumption with 2.0 TFSI engines to contact their local Audi Centre. Alternatively, our advisors will be available until 10pm on Thursday 4 June, and thereafter from 8am to 8pm, by calling 0800 0930110<tel:0800%20093%200110>free of charge from landlines*.
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