In September I'm taking my Audi to Tuscany for a reaod trip holiday, we'll be driving a variety of roads through a few countries before we get there. It'll probably be 2500 miles +
I've done a bit of this sort of thing in classic cars but never in a modern. I'm new to Audi having had a lifetime of Saabs and Triumphs.
So my current preparation 'issue' is that I thought I'd get a little kit of spare bulbs and fuses to stash in the car but I can't seem to find one that doesn't have spurious pieces that I can't use in it. Of course I could go buy the individual pieces but I can't be the first person to want this? Thoughts?
That got me here and so I thought I'd ask the group if there are other things that I should pack. I'll take a tool kit, tyre repair kit (car has a space saver), some spare fluids. What are your thoughts on headlight beam deflectors? We won't be doing much night driving - at least I don't plan to.
I've hadnthe car just over a year and it's been 100% reliable so far.