Hi everyone!
I'm new here and have recently purchased a 2007 A6 Allroad, and with an impending trip up to the Alps (and LOADS of snow forecast) I figure I should get some chains for both practical reasons of not getting stuck but also as they're a legal requirement.
I've been on a couple of websites and they've only got the £100+ chains listed as compatible with the Allroad, citing inside arch clearances as the reason, has anyone used a standard chain such as this with any ill effects? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sumex-HUSAD90-Husky-Advance-Chains/dp/B009XRNEU4/ref=sr_1_2?s=automotive&rps=1&ie=UTF8&qid=1522150043&sr=1-2&keywords=snow%2Bchains%2B225%2F55%2B17&refinements=p_76%3A419158031&th=1