Hi all. New to forums my first time. but a wee bit troubled. So two years ago I brought my first fairly new car. It’s a Audi 1.4 TFSI on a 14 plate. So it’s been amazing. Until today. So I went to go to a friends for dinner. Driving done the road I hear a noise. I thought it sounded like a flat tyre driver side. Stopped checked. Not so continued on. Then start realising the sound comes from when I let my foot of the accelerator pedal. So sounds like maybe a flat tyre drivers side. Maybe kinda when you go over cats eyes or lot of the yellow lines in the road before a roundabout maybe like a wheel bearing and really only when it’s de accelerating stops when I put my foot down. I’ve had a look but I’m no mechanic and looks ok. But it’s late will check better 2moro. Much appreciated for any info or diagnosis